Power Presence Portal

Here you’ll find Janet Ioli’s blog posts with practical wisdom and tips to keep you inspired and on track as you create your most powerful leadership presence.

Do You Feel Valued?

People want and need to feel valued.

Feeling valued is a fundamental human emotional need.  Humans want to feel seen, heard, appreciated, and as if they are making a meaningful contribution.  Much of the human conflict, churn, and strife that happens in organizations, relationships, and in the world, has its root in the neglect of this basic human need. 

Captain Crozier’s Dilemma: A Cause for Pause

Last week, the firing of navy captain Brett Crozier made headlines in every news outlet. Crozier, the captain of the naval aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt was relieved of his command by the Navy’s senior leadership.  The highly contagious COVID-19 virus was spreading quickly on his ship, and he was concerned about the health and safety of his crew members.  They were unable

What Leaders Need to Know About Grief

We all know what it feels like to experience a loss. None of us are immune to loss.  Whether it is the death of a loved one, the loss of a marriage or close relationship, our good health to an illness, or a job—loss is accompanied by emotions of grief. Grief is a strong human emotional reaction to loss.  While we can try

The Coronavirus Challenge: Leadership in Complex & Uncertain Times

This current coronavirus outbreak begs a fundamental look at the question: What leadership guidebook, rules or templates does one follow when the complexity and uncertainty we face is beyond our comprehension or control? In 1999, I was enrolled in a class on Adult Development theory as part of my doctoral studies in Human Development & Adult Learning.  The entire semester was