I Wish I Had the Courage to…?

Passing through  a metro station earlier this week, I did a double take as I walked past a three-tiered fence turned interactive chalk billboard that had the following sentence starter at the top: “I wish I had the courage to…” Underneath were lists of endings to the...

What Do YOU Want?

Last year in January of 2014, I decided to try an experiment for the entire year.  Whenever I talked with a client or someone who was searching for answers about what to do in any given situation, I would ask this one very simple question: “What do YOU want?” Over the...

A Monday Morning Wake-Up Call

Why does it take a dramatic event or experience in our life to get us to wake up and pay attention to what is really important?   I hear stories in my work every day from people who have made dramatic, needed shifts in their lives only after a sudden, world-rocking...