One Simple Thing to Maximize Your Impact Instantly

One Simple Thing to Maximize Your Impact Instantly

While there are many things we can do to maximize our personal and leadership impact, there is one practice that makes a dramatic difference in my experience working with so many people over the years. When we seek to maximize our impact, we usually equate it with...

Your Power Portal is Here

Are you getting a bit overloaded by tips and advice from everyone about how to be more effective? There’s a lot of noise out there– and it is hard to differentiate what to read and what to listen to. I don’t want to just be part of the...

One Practice to Maximize Your Impact Immediately

A few weeks ago, I had the honor to speak at the California Women’s Conference sponsored by the Women Network, an international membership organization whose mission is to unite women across the globe. I have received a myriad of emails from women commenting on the...