One Practice to Maximize Your Impact Immediately

A few weeks ago, I had the honor to speak at the California Women’s Conference sponsored by the Women Network, an international membership organization whose mission is to unite women across the globe. I have received a myriad of emails from women commenting on the...

The Shadow Side of Self-Improvement

Happiness.  Freedom.  Self-expression.  Approval.  Validation.  Self-esteem and self-worth.  Fitting in.  Standing out.  Fulfilling our potential.  Following our Dreams.  Being the best we can be.  Loving ourselves.  Being vulnerable.  Being enough.  Finding our...

Stop the Comparison Game

“Comparison is the thief of joy…” Theodore Roosevelt How often do you compare yourself with others? Does that comparison make you feel better about yourself—or does it make you feel less adequate? According to psychologist Leon Festinger’s Social...