Power Presence Academy

No matter what level of authority your title conveys, your real impact as a leader is defined by your moment to moment choices.

We help you learn to be
more intentional about
those choices. Lead with
Less Ego, More Soul

What you say, what you do, and how you make people feel

are choices you make every single moment.

These unconscious choices create your presence as a leader

and shape the culture of your organization.

How We Help You


1:1 Tailored Development for C-Suite & Senior Executives

High-Impact Leadership Development

High-Impact Leadership Development

Programs & Resources

Enhance your leadership presence

Introduction to JI International


Book by

Janet Ioli

Spend 21 days becoming more grounded, confident, and aligned with your deeper values.

This book shows you how. Order your copy now!

Janet's Articles Featured in


Most of us have noble intentions and want to be effective leaders, yet our behavioral choices don’t always match the impact we want them to have.

The Podcast

If you are looking for a reality check, career advice, a new perspective, or some creative inspiration as you lead the future, I’ve got you covered.

I’ll interview rockstar leaders and executives at the top of their game. I’ll also share practical tips and provocative ideas to help you change the leadership narrative for the future. This is not business as usual. It is for leaders ready to step up and lead the future.

Cover of the podcast "Power Presence Academy: Practical Wisdom for Leaders" with Janet Ioli

E12: Leadership Presence Starts With Being Fully Present Everywhere You Are

Free Articles

Free Videos

Challenge Your Own Assumptions: Power Presence in Practice

Think you are open minded?

I find that most leadership teams I work with think they are innovative and open-minded. Yet this example of a leadership team I worked with in the newspaper industry years ago serves as a cautionary tale to all of us.  It reinforces the need to continuously check & manage our own unconscious paradigms & assumptions.

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Power Presence in Practice: Leaders Make the First Move

When you get promoted into higher levels of leadership, you may not feel like a different person. What you may not realize, however, is that your title and your role in the organizational hierarchy influences how comfortable others are interacting with you.
In this episode of Power Presence in Practice, Janet Ioli discusses an important point to remember when interacting with others when you are the “boss”.

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A sampling of organizations the leaders I’ve worked with come from:

washington state hospital assocation